Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Here the edges are singed. The pyrography tip makes different size marks when turned on its side.

Fabric investigation 1

Here you can see the wild frayed edges of cotton bump (centre).

Fabric Investigation is 'written' with a pyrography tip on kunin felt.

Felt fun

Kunin (synthetic felt) melts easily.

Wool felt is softer. Dry needle felting makes a fluffy edge. Tiny snips make a curvy edge.

Delicate shapes

Delicate shapes were melted with the pyropgraphy machine.

See the positive and negative image.

Bubbles and holes

Nylon voile bubbles when held over a candle flame.

A pyrography tip made the holes.

Health and Safety: I wore a mask and worked on a glass sheet. A damp cloth and bowl of water was near. The window was open.

Fabric investigation 2

Synthetics melt, bubble and burn. Natural fibres singe and some fray beautifully.